Whether you sense a call to ministry or simply want to know God better, Seventy Two School of Ministry will connect you with teachers, mentors, and friends (fellow disciples) seeking to become like Christ, walking in step with the Holy Spirit, and scattering the good news of his Kingdom everywhere you go.
Seventy Two utilizes three distinct, but interconnected and equally important, models for Christian education that you can take at the best pace for you.


Formation Program

Enroll in just one class.
Do only the formation program.
Or do it all.
Whatever. We just want you to say “yes” when the Lord calls, because we know how good his call is for each individual and for the whole world.
“After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go!” - Luke 10:1-3a
“My experience with 72 School of Ministry was both remarkable and phenomenal. It was remarkable as it challenged me significantly more than I had expected, going deep into each class/topic, revealing historical happenings that were then tied to relevant current events facing the Church and Christians of today. It was phenomenal in the depth of knowledge shared, the quality and dedication of those instructing and the understanding and opportunity it provided for deep personal growth. If you are looking to challenge yourself in growing your walk with the Lord in any way, I strongly encourage you to dive in and try it out.” —72 Graduate