The classroom is not the only place to learn, but it is an important one.
As Peter says in his first letter, we ought to be prepared to give an answer to any and everyone who asks the reason for our hope, and to do it in gentleness and respect. This means we want you to be able to tell the grand story of God, to articulate the nuances of our faith, and to point to the history of the Church and the work of God in our world as inspiration for what he might do through you today.
Our courses are rigorous, because we take this call seriously and want you to, too, but taught at a level accessible to anyone. We offer nine regular courses, completable in three years at full pace, and occasional special offerings. Courses typically comprise of 12 two-hour class sessions and weekly assignments. Rigorous, accessible, and worth it.
Seventy Two School of Ministry will only offer Year One courses during the 2024-2025 program year.
Year One
Missiology 1: A God who Goes
God searches for the lost and the church that he gave to the world is just like him. Missiology is about understanding who God is and the work he’s about. It’s about who we are and the work we are about.
September 4 - November 20, 2024
Taught by Dr. Alan Weaver & Jonathon Reece
New Testament Survey
Get to know Jesus, his life, teaching, and work, through the writings of those who walked alongside him. And see how it completes the creative and redemptive work God began at the beginning.
January 15 - March 19, 2025
Taught by Pastor Jed Grooters
Old Testament Survey
Start where it begins, with a read-through of God’s word itself. See how his promises are given, put into question, and proven through the history and writings of his chosen people.
April 2 - June 18, 2025
Taught by Marilyn & David Henne
Year two
Missiology 2: Movements of God
See how the missional character of God and his church meet the real world by exploring the movements of God throughout it, creating a global, multicultural, gospel people.
Days of the Kingdom
Jesus taught many things, but at the beginning, middle and end of it all was the Kingdom of God. What is this? And what does it mean for us?
History and confessions
Learn about the beginnings of God’s church, the ways he strengthened them through trouble, and the pillars he built in them that we still look to today.
Biblical Theology
More than just knowing what’s in the Bible, how can we learn from and be shaped by it? How can we see the world through its lens and live in the world by its truth? Can we think the way Jesus thought?
Holy Spirit: Person, Presence & Power
It has been said that the Holy Spirit is the least known person of the trinity. Come learn not just about who the Spirit is, but also about His ministry in your life and those around you. The Spirit is the agent of the kingdom of heaven and wants to collaborate with you to advance God's kingdom in our lost and broken world.
Worship and the Sacraments: Belonging to God
Worship and sacrament are two words deeply familiar to any churchgoing person, but do we really know what they mean, or how big of an effect they have on us and our world? This course will look theologically, historically, and practically at what goes into a worship service, a worshipping life, and a worshipping community. It will enrich any believer who wants to understand what it means to belong to God, to belong to his holy people, and to behold him in all of his majesty.